This is not your typical TV news story. It is part social media and part old fashion journalism. The experiment in interactive reporting gave … [Read more...]
Investigating Child Credit Freezes
After years of reporting on child identity theft and credit freezes, Julie set out to freeze her own toddler’s credit. What she discovered led … [Read more...]
DIGITAL JOURNALIST / WEB DESIGNER features unsponsored news, reviews and editorials for parents—written by parents who are journalists … [Read more...]
Investigative Reporter
This demo reel includes a montage of award-winning investigative reports followed by a selection of stories in their entirety. Julie's … [Read more...]
ConsumerWatch Correspondent
This demo reel includes a montage of consumer reports followed by a selection of stories in their entirety. Julie reports on pocketbook … [Read more...]
News Anchor / Host
This demo reel includes a small sampling of Julie Watts' work as a news anchor at KPIX between 2010-2016. Prior to taking over the popular … [Read more...]
Meteorologist (AMS)
This demo reel includes a small sampling of Julie Watts' work as a meteorologist and weather reporter at KPIX. Prior to being named … [Read more...]
General Assignment Reporter
This demo reel includes a small sampling of Julie Watts' work as a general assignment reporter at KPIX, featuring breaking news. Prior to … [Read more...]
Video Journalist
This demo reel includes a montage of Julie Watts' award-winning work as a Video Journalist/Multi-Media Journalist. In an effort to tell … [Read more...]