This is not your typical TV news story. It is part social media and part old fashion journalism. The experiment in interactive reporting gave … [Read more...]
Investigating Child Credit Freezes
After years of reporting on child identity theft and credit freezes, Julie set out to freeze her own toddler’s credit. What she discovered led … [Read more...]
California UN-Confidential
“Reporting this isn’t going to change anything.” That was the response we got from one of the largest state agencies in California when we first … [Read more...]
NewsMom Demo
This demo reel includes a montage followed by three stories from two high-impact NewsMom investigations. The playlist concludes with a variety of … [Read more...]
PR Materials – Head Shot & Short Bio
Short Bio: Julie Watts is the award winning consumer investigative reporter at CBS and KPIX. However, throughout her career she has also been … [Read more...]
Anchor Demo 2013
“TSA Cares” Making Changes Following ConsumerWatch Story
While you may be obligated to let TSA inspect your bags, TSA says it is not obligated to put your things back the way they found it. After a viewer … [Read more...]
Is Xfinity Public Wi-Fi Hijacking Your Phone?
Most web surfers know that public Wi-Fi is much more vulnerable to hackers than your average private home network. KPIX Consumer Investigative … [Read more...]
Highway Terror – Ford Catastrophic Cars
When we discovered that one of the nation’s largest automakers was refusing to buy back cars with potentially dangerous safety defects, we started … [Read more...]
Supermarket Shocker
What began with a single complaint about an overcharge at the grocery store expanded into a nationwide investigation. As a result of persistent … [Read more...]